The Medicine Woman’s Story
Amy continues the story of the medicine woman who’s medicine stopped the mothers bleeding after a difficult childbirth. Amy was curious to learn more from the woman, and curious why…
Amy continues the story of the medicine woman who’s medicine stopped the mothers bleeding after a difficult childbirth. Amy was curious to learn more from the woman, and curious why…
Amy takes us back a half century to a remote area in China. Amy had been trained in Shanghai as a medical assistant. She had become a “barefoot doctor” at…
Amy begins by talking about a 25 lb food ration coupon. She recalls that, as long as she remembered, having been born in 1952, there was always a food ration…
Amy continues telling stories about her mother. She recalls that her generation all wanted to be “Mao’s Children”, not traditional nurturing people like her mother. Her father had produced teaching…
Amy describes how she posted some photos to her friends this year, instead of writing a story about her mother. She was shocked when another person wrote the story of…
It has been 8 years since Amy’s mother passed away. Every year for mothers day, Amy tells a story about her. Amy says that her mother is an Angel. This…